
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
is the spokesperson for the Neturei Karta International - Jews
against Zionism. He attended the United Nations World Conference
Against Racism in Durban (2001) as part of the Islamic Human
Rights Commission delegation and helped the NGO conference adopt
the historic declaration condemning Zionism as racism and Israel
for genocide which resulted in a US/Israel walkout.
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
is descended from Hungarian Jewry, his grandparents were exterminated
by the Nazis at Auschwitz. He lives with his family in New York.
Interviewed on 2nd
March 2003
is a religion of spirituality, to serve God...
Zionism is an apostasy, it is a rebellion against God,
and a rebellion against the Torah, it is blasphemous..."
"When the
zionists decided to make their land, first they actually
wanted to go to Uganda and other lands where ever they
felt it was rich soils and so forth, but then they realised
that they will have no backing from the Jewish people
so they changed their plans and decided to go to Palestine.
In Palestine
there was already a God fearing Jewish community (forming
the minority of the inhabitants of Palestine). So when
the zionists decided to go there they of course became
a threat to the Palestinian Arabs, but they were also
a tremendous threat for this Jewish community in Palestine.
When the Jews living in Palestine saw this influx of zionists
they realised that this is a tremendous threat for the
whole of Judaism so they created in the 1920s the Aida
Kreadus (congregation of God fearing) to fight this Zionist
movement. Then later it transformed in the 1930s, the
ones that were vocal were given the name Neturei Karta
- the watchers or protectors of the city. These were the
vocal people against zionism, they were there to fight
this zionist movement and they fought it tooth and nail
and people were killed in the fights. Till today they
are beaten and thrown in jail, but the media doesn't go
"In 1947,
the Chief Rabbi Deshinski wrote a letter to the United
Nations where he pleaded with them , he said
have under me 60,000 constituents, we do not want to be
included in this state of Israel that you are creating..'
You see how
opposite Judaism is to Zionism that the chief Rabbi was
asking to be included with the Arab people rather than
the zionists...today there are 100s of 1000s of us..."

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss (centre) burning the zionist flag
during the Jewish Festival of Purim.
[ Purim is the commemoration of the destruction
of Hayman from the tribe of Amalek whose aim was the destruction
of the Jewish people. Jews throughout the world celebrate
this festival and continue with the fight against Amalek
in every generation. Todays Amalek is Zionism and
what it stands for, and annually on this day Jews throughout
the world publicly burn the Zionist flag as a symbol of
the destruction of evil. This takes place in New York, Brooklyn,
Quebec (Canada), Monsey, and two places in occupied Palestine,
and in here in England in London and Manchester. ]
"We are
always a thorn on their(zionist) side... they are afraid
of us..."
"At the
time of the Oslo Agreement I personally with other Rabbis
went to Washington and we had some of our members go to
Madrid to deliver a letter and state that it will not
be successful. We based that on a verse in the Torah which
says 'Why are you transgressing the word of God - you
will not be successful'..."
"We hope
and pray that it is done speedily and peacefully..."

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss (centre) demonstrating
against Zionism in Duran, South Africa, 2001.
Oppressors tend not to give up power. Do you understand
the need on the Palestinian side for armed struggle in order
to liberate their land?

Answer (shift-click) (142Kb) |
"Of course,
our Rabbi has said at the inception of Zionism that this
(Zionism) will bring tremendous bloodshed, pain and suffering.
So we understand things like this will happen..."
"When we
traveled to Iran, the humbleness we found ... it is a
country where people are God fearing.. they believe in
God and they serve God... you can see the difference between
that society and the society here - depravation is so
great, where you have television, immorality, immodesty
and so forth. Your children grow up with they say democracy
but democracy originally meant freedom to serve God...but
unfortunately today many are preaching freedom to exclude
God, in other words free from God...
The propaganda
against this (Islam and Muslims) comes from Zionism which
is in opposition to this because they are busy trying
to portray their problem with the Muslim people as a problem
between two religions - Judaism and Islam. The fact is
it is not a problem between Judaism and Islam because
if it had been so then why did the Jewish people lived
peacefully ... in harmony ... in all the Muslim countries
before Zionism? Only in the last hundred years the problem
has started and it grew as Zionism grew. Clearly Zionism
is the problem.."
"The portrayal
that the zionist want is that it is a conflict between
Islam and Judaism and they try to label anyone that stands
against them as an anti-Semite. So the Muslim people have
to clarify that we have nothing against Judaism and that
we have nothing against the Jewish people which is very
hard today after so much suffering from the hands of the
zionists. But they should clarify that so that their words
are listened to rather than being labeled anti-Jewish.
Also the last
10 years or so the zionists have realised that the dream
of zionism has long died for many of the Jewish people.
The only reason the zionists are able to hold the Jewish
people in their grasp is because their propaganda machines
are busy explaining to the Jews that its too late, even
if you're not a zionist, the Arabs hate you so much today
that if you return the land they will God forbid slaughter
you, and that today is the strongest argument that they
have to convince Jews to support their zionist state.
This is the trap the zionists want people to fall in to
so it is important for the Muslim people to get out there
and make it understood that it is not the danger that
is being portrayed by the zionists."
© Innovative
Minds 2003

Lecture by Rabbi Goldstein (Neturei Karta) in which he
gives a historic overview of zionism and the creation of
the zionist state, explaining its incompatibility with Judaism.

Lecture by Massoud Shadjareh, IHRC, on the United Nations
World Conference Against Racism (WCAR)

Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss & Massoud
Shadjareh at WCAR
by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
PDF Document, 11pgs (145Kb) [source: IHRC]
Visit the official US website of Neturei Karta. Its well
designed and an excellent resource on the activities and
principles of the Neturei Karta.