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CDROM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) There is no navigation, how do I go back ? 

There is navigation - the buttons are at the bottom part of the program window. You probably cant see it. 

2) I cant see the bottom part of the program window. 

You must be running at 640 x 480 screen resoultion with the 
taskbar set to be always on top. You can either increase 
the resolution (better) or change the task bar settings. 

Change Resolution 

Right-click on the Windows Desktop (wallpaper) and select "Properties" from the drop down menu. Then select "Settings" and change the "Desktop Area" from 640x480 to 800x600, ensure the "Color Pallete" stays at 24 bit or 16 bit. Then press Apply and follow the instructions. 

Change Task Bar Settings 

Select START -> SETTINGS ->TASKBAR and untick the "Always on Top" box and press the OK button. Then re-run the program. 

3) The colours of the images look weird. Whats wrong? 

You must be running in 256 or less colour mode. The program is designed to be run in 65,000 colour mode or higher. 

Right-click on the Windows Desktop (wallpaper) and select "Properties" from the drop down menu. Then select "Settings" and change the "Colour Palette" to High Colour(16 bit). Then press Apply and follow the instructions. 

4) What's the recommended display settings for the program? 

For best viewing have your screen resolution set to 800x600 and your colour palette to 16 or 24 bit (65,000 or more colours). 
5) How do I print from the program? (Islamic Thought) 

Unfortunately, the program does not support printing at present. Sorry! Future versions may remedy this. 

6) How do I search on the Qu'ran ? (Islamic Thought) 

We provide an english translation of the Holy Qu'ran. You can either browse though it by using the cursor keys (PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, etc), or you can search for specific words or jump to specific ayats. Some examples are given below: 

I want to search for "lighting or thunder" 

  1. Ensure the mouse pointer is inside the text area 
  2. Type "lightning thunder" and press RETURN, the search key words will turn to capitals: "LIGHTNING THUNDER" and the program will go to the first occurrence of EITHER lightning OR thunder in the Holy Qu'ran. 
  3. Press RIGHT ARROW key, this will jump to the NEXT occurrence, starting from the top of the page, of the word "lightning" or "thunder", etc.  
  4. Press LEFT ARROW key to find the LAST occurrence, etc 
I want to jump to Sura 2, Ayat 25 
  1. Ensure the mouse pointer is inside the text area 
  2. Type "002:25" and press RETURN, the program will jump to the correct location. Remember dont enter 002:025. 

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