[Boycott - Other News] Alert 20th Mar - Free The Hares Boys - 2nd Protest for 2 Years Anniversary - 5 Children Abducted, Tortured & Caged For No Crime
inminds 18 March 2015
DATE: Friday 20th Mar 2015, 3-5pm
LOCATION: HP London HQ, 88 Wood Street, London EC2V 7QT (near St.Paul's)
FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/856382487767479/
15th March 2015, www.inminds.com
Five Palestinian children have been tortured and caged by Israel for 2 years for a crime that didn't even happen. Following the successful protest on friday 13th March, please join us on this second protest for the second anniversary of their abduction as we demand justice for the Hares Boys, outside the London headquarters of Hewlett Packard who provide the IT infrastructure and systems that ensures Israel's torture dens and dungeons stay operational. These include Israel's notorious Al-Jalame interrogation centre, where the children were savagely tortured, and Israel's Megiddo prison where the children have been caged for two years.
On 14th March 2013 a simple car accident, when a illegal Israeli settler car speeding along a road built illegally on stolen Palestinian land, crashed in to the back of an Israeli truck which had stopped to change a flat tire resulting in four people being hurt, was later at the behest of angry settlers presented as an attack by Palestinian stone throwing youth. The truck drivers earlier testimony that he stopped due to a flat tire was replaced with the new reason being that he had seen stones by the road, and an accident that happened after dark that nobody saw suddenly became a terror attack with 61 witnesses including the police!
Over the next few days over 50 masked Israeli soldiers with attack dogs stormed the local village of Hares in the early hours of the morning and in waves of violent arrests kidnapped the children of the village. In total 19 children were taken to the infamous G4S secured children's dungeon at Al Jalame and locked up in solitary confinement for up to 2 weeks in filthy windowless 1m by 2m hole in the ground cells with no mattress. The Israeli prime minister Benyamin Natanyahu announced to the settlers that he had “caught the terrorists”. The children were violently tortured and sexual threats were made against the female members of their families in order to coerce confessions from the boys.
With the confessions and the new “eye-witness” statements, five of the Hares boys were charged with 25 counts of attempted murder each, even though there were only four people in the car. Apparently the military court had decided that 25 stones were thrown, each with an "intent to kill". The five boys have been illegally transferred to Israel, in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to Megiddo prison where G4S provides the entire central command room.
In violation of international law Israel has turned prisons in to money making enterprises with the boys essentially forced to pay for their own imprisonment. Israel deliberately fails to provide Palestinian prisoners the basic essentials - edible food, cloths (underwear, shoes..) and hygiene products (soap, toothbrush..). The boys are forced to buy these at the extortionately priced prison shop costing the families over € 125/month to provide for one child's basic needs in prison.
With no evidence of a crime the military court keeps on postponing the hearing dates from one month to one year to two years, meanwhile the boys remain caged indefinitely and their families facing financial ruin in the process. A court hearing entails the families spending most of their day queuing and enduring the humiliation at the checkpoints where HP provides the biometric systems used to tag Palestinians, then waiting at the court in anticipation of catching a glimpse of their son.. often to be disappointed as hearing are cancelled without notice.
The United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF report on Children in Israeli Military Detention concludes that Israel is the only country in the world where children are systematically tried in military courts that by definition fall short of providing the necessary guarantees to ensure respect for their rights. The conviction rate in Israeli military courts is an unfathomable 99.74%.
If the five boys are convicted they will be locked up for over 25 years - five young lives ruined with no evidence of a crime let alone their guilt.
Unfortunately the case of the five Hares Boys is not an isolated incident, last year Israel abducted 1266 Palestinian children - that's one child taken from their parents every 7 hours! During interrogation 75% of Palestinian children detained by Israel are physically tortured. 40% of the 600 children that were taken from Jerusalem alone, were sexually abused by Israeli soldiers during arrest or interrogation.
Hewlett Packard provides the IT infrastructure which keep these torture dens operational. In an ongoing contract (until 2016), worth millions of dollars, HP provides the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) the systems and servers needed to keep it operational. In 2012 HP provided the central servers for the operational system of the IPS ("Tzohar") and its ongoing maintenance. In a contract worth $35 million, HP developed the Kidma information system for the IPS which includes the prisoners management system and intelligence subs systems, helping the occupation keep illegal records on Palestinians it has abducted and their families. HP has also executed a project for e-mail storage and archive for the IPS. Hewlett Packard is fully complicit in the crimes Israel commits against Palestinian child prisoners, and must be held to account.
This will be the second protest we are holding for the Hares Boys on the second anniversary of their imprisonment. The first protest was last week on 13th March 2015, held outside the headquarters of the British security contractor G4S who secure Israel's notorious Al-Jalame interrogation centre, where the children were savagely tortured, and Israel's Megiddo prison where the children have been caged for two years.
Videos - London Protest to Free Hares Boys, 13th March 2015
Videos - London Protest to Free Hares Boys, 13th March 2015
Videos - London Protest to Free Hares Boys, 13th March 2015
Online Banner
 Hares Boys banner for sharing online
Hares Boys 10ft x 5ft Banner
 Banner design (without small text)
Hares Boys Leaflet
 Hares Boys leaflet - front
 Hares Boys leaflet - back
 10,000 leaflets printed.. should keep us going for a few months
Hares Boys Placards
 Ali Shamlawi
 Ammar Souf
 Mohammed Suleiman
 Mohammed Kleib
 Tamer Souf
We will, inshAllah, be tweeting live from the protest with live photos being uploaded to our twitter and facebook page. So if you can't join us on the day, please help us by sharing the photos as they get uploaded.
If you support this activity please share this alert widely, thank you.
Abbas Ali
Palestinian Prisoners Campaign
The Palestinian Prisoners Campaign aims to raise awareness for the plight of Palestinian prisoners and build solidarity for their struggle and work towards their freedom. The campaign was launched by Innovative Minds (inminds.com) and the Islamic Human Rights Commission (ihrc.org) on the occasion of Al Quds Day 2012 (on 17th August 2012), since then we have held actions every fortnight in support of Palestinian prisoners, if you can spare two hours twice a month then please join the campaign by coming to the next action.
Source: www.inminds.com
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