[Other] BREAKING NEWS - Heba Labadi Held Hostage By Israel For Jordanian Land
inminds 30 October 2019  #FreeHebaLabadi by young Palestinian artist Lina Aborjaradeh
Inminds, 30th October 2019
It has been revealed in the Israeli media that Israel is holding Heba Labadi as a hostage for land it wants from Jordan.
Israel illegally occupied border lands of Jordan in 1950, including Al-Ghamr in the southern Jordan Valley, and Al-Baqoura, a fertile 820 dunams of land where the Yarmouk River flows in to the Jordan River. Israel has build two settlements on the land with a population of about 1500 colonists. Under the humiliating 1994 Wadi Araba 'peace treaty' between Israel and Jordan, Israel kept the illegally occupied land under a 25 year lease agreement. That lease ends this month, in October 2019.
The 'peace treaty' with the Zionist enemy is extremely unpopular in Jordan and for the Jordanian government not to reclaim full sovereignty over these lands after 25 years of occupation would be political suicide. Under the agreement one years notice of termination has to be given, and last October 2018 King Abdullah gave that notice of termination so the land should return back to Jordan at the end of this month. But Israel's Channel 13 news revealed that last week Israel resorted to blackmailing the Jordanian government to renew the lease in return for the release of Jordanian prisoners including Heba Labadi. It clearly reveals that Heba has been abducted, tortured and caged for no reason other than as a political pawn to pressure the Jordanian government to legitimize Israel's occupation of Jordanian land.
Interestingly this blackmail follows an earlier threat by the son of former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, that Israel will cut Jordans' water supply, and Jordanians will go thirsty, if the Jordanian government does not allow Israel to keep the two fertile areas of land. Under the "peace treaty" Jordan has become dependent on buying stolen Palestinian water at a premium from Israel (sourced from Lake Tiberias/Sea of Galilee) for its domestic water needs, leaving it open to such blackmail at anytime.
Isn't it time for Jordan to end its 25 years of humiliation, and servitude to Israel, by tearing up the peace agreement and regaining a modicum of honour?
Further Information:
Protest Outside UK Parliament Demands Freedom For Heba Labadi
Free Heba Al-Labadi - London Protest Demands Action From Jordanian Government
Source: www.inminds.com
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