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Bahrain Embassy vigil demands freedom for Hassan Mushaima, Hajar Mansoor and all prisoners of conscience in Bahrain

28 August 2018

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

On Friday 24th August 2018, Inminds human rights group held its third vigil outside the Bahrain Embassy in London, in solidarity with Ali Mushaima, who is on the 24th day of his hunger strike to save the life of his father Hassan Mushaima, who is being denied urgent medical care in a Bahraini dungeon. Inminds demanded the immediate, unconditional release of Hassan Mushaima and all the other 5000 Bahraini prisoners of conscience languishing in the Al-Khalifa regimes dungeons. The vigil also demanded the British government end its complicity in the Al Khalifa dictatorship's crimes against the Bahraini people.

Hassan Mushaima

70 years old Hassan Mushaima, an academic teacher by profession, is also a leader of the 2011 mass movement that peacefully called for human rights and democratic reforms in Bahrain. The Khalifa dictatorship using British weapons and British tax payer funded training, along with invading Saudi mercenaries, brutally crushed the peacefully demonstrations, killing over a hundred people and caging five thousand more.

In March 2017, Hassan Mushaima along with other human rights defenders and opposition leaders were abducted, brutally tortured and given life sentences in mock trials simply for calling for democracy in Bahrain. Hassan Mushaima was horrifically tortured in Bahrain's notorious Jau prison that left him in need of surgery four times.

In prison the regime is denying Hassan Mushaima urgently needed medical treatment. His son Ali Mushaima is on hunger strike here in London, he is bravely camped outside the door of the Bahraini embassy, on hunger strike since 1st August. His demands are very basic – allow medical care for his father, allow his family to visit, and allow his father access to his books.


Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

British complicity

The British government is deeply complicit in every aspect of the suffering of the Bahraini people, including Hassan Mushaima. Since the protests began in 2011, the UK has provided the Bahraini dictatorship with over £83 million worth of weapons with which to crush the people.

Further more, the UK has provided training. After repeated denials by the UK government it was finally revealed that having gained experience of repressing protests in Northern Ireland, the British government has used that experience to train the Bahraini security forces in the tactics of ruthlessly crushing protests, use of attack dogs, cannons, and how to gather intelligence on protestors. To hide the training the UK government has cynically described it as 'protection of human rights training'.

Documents also reveal that the British government has provided 863 days of training to Bahraini prison guards and officials, including training 400 guards at Bahrain’s infamous Jau Prison where Hassan Mushaima was tortured. That training in the UK was paid for by the British tax payer.

Another prisoner who was tortured at the British trained Jau Prison was teenager Ali al-Singace. He was abducted by the Bahraini police and severally tortured with electric shocks, and raped. The torture continued for two months at Jau Prison. He was forced to make a false confession for which he was executed by firing squad in January 2017.

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018


Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Women Tortured in UK Trained Prison

A week after the Formula One Bahrain Grand Prix in April 2017, Bahraini female activist Najah Ahmed Yousif was arrested for her social media post criticising the holding of F1 Grand Prix in Bahrain. She was tortured at Muharraq Police Station for four days, 8 hours at a time. In her own words Najah describes the ordeal:

“If I wrote down the violations I was subjected to, it would be a book. They insulted my honour and dignity, they physically assaulted me, removed my headscarf, tried to tear off my clothes, and touched my sexual organs. They threatened me with rape, and threatened to kill or put my sons in prison. All this in the presence of plainclothes officers.”

Najah was told to sign a pre-prepared confession without reading it. When she refused to sign it, Najah was violently beaten, kicked and sexually abused. A thug was specially brought into the police station to frighten her with rape. When she could take no more, she signed and for that she was given a three year sentence in June 2018.

Muharraq Police Station where she was tortured is a beneficiary of the training provided by the UK Foreign Office. In August 2015, Brigadier Fawaz Hassan, the current head of the Muharraq Police Station, received direct training provided by the UK Foreign Office in Belfast.

A month after Najah’s torture, another female human rights activist, Ebtisam Al-Saegh was tortured in the same British trained police station. It was punishment for her testimony at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Upon returning to Bahrain she was arrested and taken to Muharraq Police Station where she was savagely tortured. She was blindfolded and sexually assaulted and threatened with rape if she did not put an end to her human rights activities. She was brutally beaten and had to be rushed to hospital after the interrogation.

Al-Sayegh told Amnesty: “The men told me ‘no one can protect you’. They took away my humanity; I was weak prey to them.”

Bahraini thugs having graduated from the British government training courses, paid for the British tax payer, are guilt of rampant human right abuses including murdering peaceful protestors, and torturing women and children.

Ebtisam Al-Saegh, despite being savagely tortured by the regime's British trained thugs is undeterred in her work for human rights in Bahrain

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018


Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Vice-Chair of the Conservative Party, Rehman Chishti - MP for Cash

Last Friday, on 17th August, the Vice-Chair of the Conservative Party, Rehman Chishti - MP for Gillingham & Rainham, visited the the Khalifa regime ambassador Fawaz Al Khalifa at the Bahraini Embassy. He practically side stepped to avoid Ali Mushaima outside the door of the embassy, ignoring the physically frail 17 days hunger striker as he went in to pay homage to his favourite dictator. He tweeted about his meeting with the ambassador.. not once mentioning Ali Mushaima.. as if his life and his fathers life didn't matter.. as if they didn't exist.

Apart from giving arms, and training killers and torturers in Bahrain the UK also provides political cover for the crimes of the Bahraini regime, some of this cover is provided by these 'MPs for cash' who obligingly prostitute themselves to foreign powers for monetary gain. Tory MP Rehman Chishti is one such MP.

Chishti has been exposed in the past, in the Times newspaper, as being in the pay of the Saudi royal family - being given £2000 every month by the notorious Saudi ex-secret police chief Prince Turki al-Faisal al Saud (via his NGO). Payments followed statements by Chishti in the House of Commons whitewashing Saudi crimes.

Since then Chishti has expanded his repertoire by also prostituting to the Bahraini dictatorship in leading a parliamentary group to Bahrain last December, an all expenses paid visit as guests of the brutal dictator - basically (metaphorically) stepping over the corpses and destroyed mosques of the persecuted Shia majority to visit a quaint church for a photo op to whitewash Bahrain as a bastion of religious freedom.

The Tory party should be ashamed of itself for having such a lackey of a foreign power, a brutal dictator at that, as a vice-chair of their party.

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018


Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Free Hajer Mansoor

A few days ago, mother of two Duaa Alwadaei temporarily joined Ali Mushaima on hunger strike outside the Bahrain Embassy. Her demand is for the Bahraini regime to disclose the medical report of her imprisoned mother Hajer Mansoor and end its acts of retaliation against her and Duaa's imprisoned brother Seyed Nizar. Both were imprisoned as revenge for Duaa Alwadaei's husband’s peaceful activism in the UK exposing Bahraini regimes crimes against the people.

Sayed Ahmad AlWadaei was identified by the regime as one of those protesting against the London visit of the King of Bahrain. Within hours of the protest, the regime took revenge. The family of his wife Duaa – her mother, her brother and her cousin – were straight away abducted by British trained Bahraini security forces and tortured until they were coerced into signing false confessions. With no evidence presented other than the fabricated confessions they were convicted. This was two years ago, today they are still languishing in a Bahraini dungeon. Duaa’s hunger strike was for her mother Hajer Mansoor. Free Hajer Mansoor!

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018


Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Our Responsibility

Today Ali Mushaima is on hunger strike, endangering his life to fight for the life of his father. The British government trained the thugs that abducted, tortured and imprisoned Ali Mushaima's father. As citizens of this country it is our responsibility to speak up and demand the British government stop its support for the butcher of Bahrain, and act now to pressure the Bahraini regime to unconditionally and immediately release Ali’s father, Hassan Mushaima, and the 5000 other political prisoners caged in its dungeons! This is our demand of the British government, to put humanity before profit. To put Ali Mushaima’s father’s life before arms deals.

Freedom for Hassan Mushaima! Freedom for the people of Bahrain!


Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018

Vigil to demand #FreeHassanMushaima outside Bahrain Embassy in London on 24th Aug 2018


Source: www.inminds.com

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